Hello everyone...
Welcome to our Journey's class blogspot, "Journey Across the Line."
We are hoping that this "spot" will be a place where we can enhance our connection, commitment and support for one another. But it is also the hope that it will be a locale where we are each able to find our voice of expression as an individual on the journey with others. While we are each a member of the larger group, we are still unique creations of God and we wish to be able to celebrate that potential to its most full reality.
Why a blogspot? First, I'll give the noble intention. Sandra has spoken to me recently about the process of communicating lesson content through emails to the class on a weekly basis. I started wondering if there might be an even better way to enhance the interactivity of the class as a community, not just a place where we can post lessons. although we will. I believe the class is one of the most eclectic and dynamic on the FBC campus. However, it is still limited to the time constraint of less than an hour a week. Of course, for some of us this may be our tolerable limit for each other, but really I think not or else this fellowship would have crumbled much before now. New classes go through stages of development just as individuals do and it appears this one has the strength as well as the adaptability to stay moving forward while still having spiritual and theological empathy for all in the circle. A true blessing.
Why a blogspot? OK, now the selfish reason. After studying for two degrees in Communications and Media Studies, it's what I'm interested in as I continue to pursue my ministry studies at Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond. If I feel there is any call to my life it has been the expression and influence of story upon the shaping of my own faith and the observation of its power to shape the faith and lives of those around me. Of course this shaping is not just through word, but through voice and sight: the written, the verbal and the visual expression of our very selves. It is my hope that this will be an opportunity to express and share our lives with each other through commenting and posting on the lessons, posting of concerns of our lives and celebrating our uniqueness by posting our written, verbal and visual talents.
With the best efforts the noble and selfish reasons can combine for the benefit of each of us.
Finally, Why Journey Across the Line...?
Let me give three quick reasons.
In a gospel way...it appears that the story of Jesus is many times the story of someone crossing the line...to heal, to forgive, to admonish, to teach, to confront, to set right or to voice justice for those who for any number of reasons were not allowed to cross the line themselves.
In an artistic way...from my experience of participating in the art world, I found that the persons who most fulfilled the definition of "artist," in my interpretation, were those who crossed the line in their medium or genre to express a new reality or perspective that was crucially needed by the world.
In an experimental way...this is an experiment, in community, in fellowship, in human expression. We will be, in some sense, crossing lines which we have never done before, communicating as a "virtual" community, and hopefully allowing ourselves to be known by each other more. It is this experiment of journeying across the line that can be our experience and a true blessing. Your participation is all that's needed.
First, we need to decide what our "profile" needs to be. This is the description of who we are as a class and community so others will know what we are about when they come to visit our blogsite. What would you like to contribute to this description?? Let me know and we can then construct our "profile" that people can read when they arrive. You may contribute by clicking on "comments" below. Look forward to stepping across the line with you.
Note: Due to the upcoming holiday, we will start posting lesson discussions after July 5th.
Walter Morton for Journey Across the Line