Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's a Gift...

Journey January Steward Lessons

Lesson Two: January 23rd: Giftedness

Scripture Passages: Primary: 1 Peter 4:10-11
                                Support:  Romans 12:3-8
                                               1 Cor. 12:1-31
                                               Eph  4:11-16

1 Peter 4:10-11

10Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. 11Whoever speaks must do so as one speaking the very words of God; whoever serves must do so with the strength that God supplies, so that God may be glorified in all things through Jesus Christ. To him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.

When I was growing up as a young Christian I always heard the admonition that God has a plan for your life. There is a place of service that God has for you. But how does one discern what that plan happens to be? Where’s the treasure map hidden?

Later, when I came to attend seminary for a call to service, a minister came to one of our chapel service and during his sermon made the observation that “if you don’t believe you will be happy in the ministry, then you need to find another line of work.” He was referring to the fact that a full-time calling is just that, full-time.

A call is a call to life, not just job, career or profession. And that is why any and all can be called to serve, no matter your career, because it is a life itself, not just title, a wage or a robe.

But still, how does one discern what one is to do, where does one fit in?

It wasn’t until I started to approach my call to service in the light of giftedness that I began to understand where I might fit into service. The things that God wishes me to excel in he has already provided for me through the gifts I possess. Of course the greatest gifts I possess are being created in the image of God and given the grace to live in the freedom of will. This we learned from Paul’s admonitions in last week’s lesson from Ephesians.

But what specific gifts do we individually possess and how are they to be expressed?
The Christian scriptures are replete with Gifts of the Spirit. God has expressed his image through us in many ways. I have been told that I have a gift for patience and my wife certainly has the gift of mercy. Priceless gifts, that have sustained us in our eighteen years of marriage.
Perhaps therein lies the lesson. It appears the gifts are to work or be expressed in the context of a larger relationship. This appears to be the admonition of the first verse, ten, in Peter’s fourth chapter of his epistle. “Like good stewards…serve one another…with the gift you ha(ve) received.”

In today’s world we often think of gifts as intellectual, how are spiritual gifts different?

In this, the second God’s Grace and Glory lesson, we are given six points to explore regarding our Gifts from God for service.

  1. Every believer has received some spiritual gift from God. (1 Peter 4:10a)
  2. Every believer is to use his or her gift as a steward. (1 Peter 4:10b)
  3. Gifts are used for serving one another. (1 Peter 4:10b)
  4. Preaching as one who speaks for God. (1 Peter 4:11a)
  5. Serve with God’s strength. (1 Peter 4:11b)
  6. End result is God glorified. (1 Peter 4:11c)

According to traditional interpretation, Peter was writing to persons of a new faith that were experiencing some persecution. He was asking the people to come together and use their gifts for the support of one another and the community.

Ultimately, Peter sees the gifts of the Spirit circling back to their benefactor in glory. But it is in their circuitous journey in which they both bless and encompass us all in the human community of unlimited grace and glory.

Finding your Gifts at First Baptist Richmond:

On Sunday, February 6th, in FBC’s Dining Hall, from 8am to 1pm, our annual Ministry Fair will be held. It is a visual illustration of many of the ministry and mission opportunities that are open to any who wish to express their God given gifts to his community. If you are not involved in a ministry or mission of this congregation, stop by, browse, and speak with some of the persons who are involved in connecting their gifts to God’s plan.

Oh, and make sure to stop by the Member Equipping Ministry table if you have any question about discerning your gifts in service to this community of concern that is Richmond’s First Baptist Church.

Next week, the last lesson in the Unlimited Grace and Glory series will look at how God calls us to be persons of Generosity in our stewardship.

Walter Morton for Journey Across the Line 

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